
              Criteria for Reading Comprehension
Reading for gist
·         Identifies the main idea(s) or important information in the text                    0-1 point
·         Identifies facts / opinions in the text                                                                    0-1 point
·         Matches headings to the paragraphs                                                                   0-1 point
Reading for Detailed information
·         Identifies main characters, their characteristics / descriptions                      0-1 point
·         Identifies names of places in the text                                                                  0-1 point
·         Identifies time of happenings / events                                                                0-1 point
Organization /Structure
·         Understands/ identifies elements of the text: title, subtitle,
Parts of the text (introduction, body/the story, conclusion),
Description of characters, nature, places, etc.                                                  0-1 point
·         Identifies grammar points / Finds different parts of speech
(nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.)                                                              0-1 point
·         Identifies vocabulary (collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms,
synonyms/antonyms, etc.)                                                                                    0-1 point
Demonstration of Understanding
·         Describes what has happened in the text                                                           0-1 point

                                / Total Number of Points ------------ 10 /                       

                                                         Criteria for Speaking
·         Information presented is clear and accurate                                                    0-1 point                
·         Use of facts/ Examples: every major point is well supported with
Relevant facts or examples                                                                                    0-1 point               
·         Fluency:  shows no hesitation in talking or answering questions                  0-1 point                  
·         Speaks well and logically                                                                                            0-1 point             
·         Excellent / good oral communication                                                                       0-1 point            
·         Mispronunciation does not interfere with comprehension                                   0-1 point          
·         There are no grammatical errors of agreement
(e.g. subject-predicate agreement)                                                                            0-1 point          
          * Maintains proper word order                                                                                          0-1 point         
·         Excellent / good variety of vocabulary                                                                         0-1 point        
·         Correct use of vocabulary                                                                                             0-1 point          

                                 / Total Number of Points -------------- 10 /

                                                      Criteria for writing assignments
Focus on Topic / Content
·         Writes the topic/subject clearly                                                                              0-1 point
·         Maintains focus on topic/subject throughout the whole writing passage      0-1 point
·         Writes supporting information ( facts, details)                                                     0-1 point
Focus on Structure / Organization
·         Organization is a logical progression of ideas/events and is unified and
Complete                                                                                                                    0-1 point
·         Organizational structure establishes relationship between/among
Ideas/events                                                                                                                0-1 point
·         All organizational parts are present ( introduction, body, conclusion)           0-1 point
·          The conclusion is strong and gives the reader a clear understanding
of the writer’s point of view                                                                                     0-1 point
Focus on Language
·         Sentence structure/Sentence Fluency: sentences are well-constructed
With varied structure                                                                                                  0-1 point
·         Grammar and Spelling:  there are no errors in grammar or spelling
that distracts the reader from the content                                                              0-1 point
·         Word Choice / Vocabulary: vivid words and phrases are used, and
The choice and the placement of the words seems accurate, natural
And not forced                                                                                                             0-1 point

                                                              / Total Number of Points --------- 10 /         

      Criteria for the Project
Ideas / Research Questions
             # Each student in the group independently identifies reasonable, insightful,
creative ideas / questions when doing the research.                                                           0-1 point
                # Each student in the group independently develops a reasonable,
complete timeline describing when different parts of the work (e.g. planning,
research, first draft, final draft) will be done.                                                                          0-1 point
Delegation of Responsibility   
                 # Each student in the group can clearly explain what information is
needed by the group and when the information is needed.                                                 0-1 point
Plan for Organizing Information
                   # Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information         0-1 point
                   # Students can independently explain the planned organization of the
research finding.                                                                                                                            0-2 points
Quality of Sources
                   # Each student in the group independently locates reliable, interesting
Information sources for each of their ideas or questions.                                                      0-2 points
Task Completion/Presenting the Final Product      
                    # Each group presents / displays the final product clearly and accurately,
Keeps time limit.                                                                                                                                 0-2 points
                                              / Total Number of Points --------- 10 /

                                 Criteria for listening comprehension
Listening for gist
·         Identifies the main idea (s) of the listening passage                                             0  - 1 point
·         Matches headings to the listening passage                                                             0-   1 point
Listening for detailed information
·         Identifies main characters                                                                                             0- 1 point
·         Identifies where and when the conversation takes place                                      0-  1 point
·         Identifies the number of something mentioned in the passage                            0-  1 point
·         Orders the events correctly                                                                                           0-  1 point
·         Identifies grammar points ( nouns, verbs, adjectives, auxiliaries, tenses, etc)      0- 1 point
·         Identifies vocabulary ( collocations, phrasal verbs, idioms, etc)                               0- 1 point
Demonstration of understanding
·         Describes what has happened in the text                                                                      0- 1 point
·         Summarizes the reading passage                                                                                    0-  1 point

                                                                                  / Total Number of Points------ 10 /             

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